Personalization follows the regular integration endpoints and allows you to add the end user’s details:


List products for end users

To personalize the collection for each end user, add the user’s details to the list products API. Poll this API until status !== 'Pending'


Display a personalized product

Query the get product API using the same personalized fields to get all the personalized images


Place orders with personalized items

Include the user’s details in the fields per line item when calling the place order API

You can use the collection status API to get the status of a personalized collection

Personalized designs

A personalized design allows injecting data fields into the design automatically, and at scale. To setup a collection with personalized designs, please contact your customer success manager or dev support.

The following fields can be used in personalized designs out-of-the-box:

  • name (first name, last name, initials)
  • birthdate (full date, age, birth year, zodiac sign, elapsed)
  • start date (full date, start year, years of service)
  • location (city/country/site)
  • department

Our design team can help customize a collection for specific celebrations like work anniversaries, birthdays, onboarding, company events and more

To add more customized fields specific for your platform, please be in touch with our dev support.

You can use the standard list products API to get the list of unpersonalized items for demo purposes